Friday, January 16, 2009

Another Friday Five

First, for those of you who may not be familiar with RevGalBlogPals, it is a blog I found a couple of years ago, "An Open Table set for a diverse group of people -- women pursuing or discerning a Christian vocation -- and their friends -- all are welcome!". You can find it here. It is a blogging community, a place where I have found preaching ideas, support for being a pastor, and lots of fun - and a bunch of bloggers I admire and read. Each week, they have a "Friday Five" meme - a question or list of questions that help us get to know one another. So, read on!

This week's installment, written by Songbird, one of my favorite bloggers, says this:

Whether it's new friends or new loves or new employers, what are five things people should know about you? There's also a link to a cool song from the musical "Rent" but I can't figure out how to post that...someday I will become more sophisticated.

Five Things About Me:
1.I am deeply in love with Starman, and love our three children fiercely. Family time comes first no matter what.

2. I graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Twice. But that does NOT mean I am smart. It means I worked my butt off. I wear my college ring because despite working harder than I ever have before or since, I also had the time of my life there - I met Starman, and many of my friends there, including two who, though they live far away, are still the best friends I have. It also means that I can "talk technology" and I don't appreciate those who think that because I am (a) a woman or (b) a pastor, I can't.

3. I am a Christian United Methodist. I value the tension between social responsibility and liturgical authenticity. I can't see being anything else, although I have strong disagreements with some UM policies. I will work within the system for change, and not leave it.

4. I love to be outside. I need to be outside daily, in any kind of weather. The lake and ravine near our house are part of what keeps me sane. They are where I hear the voice of God

5. I value community. I like having friends and being a friend. If I am your friend, I will do my best to be a good one. I will bake you brownies when you are sad. I will watch your children. I will laugh with you (and I love to laugh) and I will cry with you.

and one more, because five weren't enough!
6.I am a New Englander, actually, to be technical, a Bostonian. Despite living for the past 18 years in the Midwest, I can still pahk my cah in Hahvahd Yahd, or my fahtha's, if you get the idear. I love and miss the mountains, the ocean, the history. Someday, I want to live there again.

Thanks as always, Songbird!


Unknown said...

Hey, thanks for playing! I wish I could hear you talk, love that accent.

Sally said...

As a British Methodist " I value the tension between social responsibility and liturgical authenticity." this really resonates with me!

MumPastor said...

Hi Songbird - I have to be around hometown folks for a bit before it comes back now, but I can fake it pretty well if I want to...:) Sally, good to see you over here! I would love to do a year in the British Methodist system...if I can get Starman to take a sabbatical over there...

Jennifer said...

Hi MumPastor!
I graduated from Boston College and had a number of friends who went to MIT. I,too, live in the Midwest, but grew up in the East.
Loved your play!!!

Dr. Laura Marie Grimes said...

With you on 1, 4, and 5 (though my daily outdoor fix is the Pacific).